qdrant_client.async_qdrant_client module
- class AsyncQdrantClient(location: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, port: Optional[int] = 6333, grpc_port: int = 6334, prefer_grpc: bool = False, https: Optional[bool] = None, api_key: Optional[str] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, host: Optional[str] = None, path: Optional[str] = None, force_disable_check_same_thread: bool = False, grpc_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, auth_token_provider: Optional[Union[Callable[[], str], Callable[[], Awaitable[str]]]] = None, cloud_inference: bool = False, check_compatibility: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)[source]
Entry point to communicate with Qdrant service via REST or gRPC API.
It combines interface classes and endpoint implementation. Additionally, it provides custom implementations for frequently used methods like initial collection upload.
All methods in QdrantClient accept both gRPC and REST structures as an input. Conversion will be performed automatically.
This module methods are wrappers around generated client code for gRPC and REST methods. If you need lower-level access to generated clients, use following properties:
If you need async, please consider using Async Implementations of QdrantClient.
- Parameters:
location – If “:memory:” - use in-memory Qdrant instance. If str - use it as a url parameter. If None - use default values for host and port.
url – either host or str of “Optional[scheme], host, Optional[port], Optional[prefix]”. Default: None
port – Port of the REST API interface. Default: 6333
grpc_port – Port of the gRPC interface. Default: 6334
prefer_grpc – If true - use gPRC interface whenever possible in custom methods.
https – If true - use HTTPS(SSL) protocol. Default: None
api_key – API key for authentication in Qdrant Cloud. Default: None
prefix – If not None - add prefix to the REST URL path. Example: service/v1 will result in http://localhost:6333/service/v1/{qdrant-endpoint} for REST API. Default: None
timeout – Timeout for REST and gRPC API requests. Default: 5 seconds for REST and unlimited for gRPC
host – Host name of Qdrant service. If url and host are None, set to ‘localhost’. Default: None
path – Persistence path for QdrantLocal. Default: None
force_disable_check_same_thread – For QdrantLocal, force disable check_same_thread. Default: False Only use this if you can guarantee that you can resolve the thread safety outside QdrantClient.
auth_token_provider – Callback function to get Bearer access token. If given, the function will be called before each request to get the token.
check_compatibility – If true - check compatibility with the server version. Default: true
**kwargs – Additional arguments passed directly into REST client initialization
- async batch_update_points(collection_name: str, update_operations: Sequence[Union[UpsertOperation, DeleteOperation, SetPayloadOperation, OverwritePayloadOperation, DeletePayloadOperation, ClearPayloadOperation, UpdateVectorsOperation, DeleteVectorsOperation]], wait: bool = True, ordering: Optional[WriteOrdering] = None, **kwargs: Any) list[UpdateResult] [source]
Batch update points in the collection.
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection
update_operations – List of update operations
wait – Await for the results to be processed. - If true, result will be returned only when all changes are applied - If false, result will be returned immediately after the confirmation of receiving.
ordering (Optional[WriteOrdering]) –
Define strategy for ordering of the points. Possible values:
weak (default) - write operations may be reordered, works faster
medium - write operations go through dynamically selected leader, may be inconsistent for a short period of time in case of leader change
strong - Write operations go through the permanent leader, consistent, but may be unavailable if leader is down
- Returns:
Operation results
- async clear_payload(collection_name: str, points_selector: Union[list[Union[int, str, points_pb2.PointId]], Filter, Filter, PointIdsList, FilterSelector, PointsSelector], wait: bool = True, ordering: Optional[WriteOrdering] = None, shard_key_selector: Optional[Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) UpdateResult [source]
Delete all payload for selected points
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection
wait – Await for the results to be processed. - If true, result will be returned only when all changes are applied - If false, result will be returned immediately after the confirmation of receiving.
points_selector – List of affected points, filter or points selector. Example: - points=[1, 2, 3, “cd3b53f0-11a7-449f-bc50-d06310e7ed90”] - points=Filter(must=[FieldCondition(key=’rand_number’, range=Range(gte=0.7))])
ordering (Optional[WriteOrdering]) –
Define strategy for ordering of the points. Possible values:
weak (default) - write operations may be reordered, works faster
medium - write operations go through dynamically selected leader, may be inconsistent for a short period of time in case of leader change
strong - Write operations go through the permanent leader, consistent, but may be unavailable if leader is down
shard_key_selector – Defines the shard groups that should be used to write updates into. If multiple shard_keys are provided, the update will be written to each of them. Only works for collections with custom sharding method.
- Returns:
Operation result
- async close(grpc_grace: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs: Any) None [source]
Closes the connection to Qdrant
- Parameters:
grpc_grace – Grace period for gRPC connection close. Default: None
- async collection_exists(collection_name: str, **kwargs: Any) bool [source]
Check whether collection already exists
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection
- Returns:
True if collection exists, False if not
- async count(collection_name: str, count_filter: Optional[Union[Filter, Filter]] = None, exact: bool = True, shard_key_selector: Optional[Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]]] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any) CountResult [source]
Count points in the collection.
Count points in the collection matching the given filter.
- Parameters:
collection_name – name of the collection to count points in
count_filter – filtering conditions
exact – If True - provide the exact count of points matching the filter. If False - provide the approximate count of points matching the filter. Works faster.
shard_key_selector – This parameter allows to specify which shards should be queried. If None - query all shards. Only works for collections with custom sharding method.
timeout – Overrides global timeout for this operation. Unit is seconds.
- Returns:
Amount of points in the collection matching the filter.
- async create_collection(collection_name: str, vectors_config: Union[VectorParams, Mapping[str, VectorParams]], sparse_vectors_config: Optional[Mapping[str, SparseVectorParams]] = None, shard_number: Optional[int] = None, sharding_method: Optional[ShardingMethod] = None, replication_factor: Optional[int] = None, write_consistency_factor: Optional[int] = None, on_disk_payload: Optional[bool] = None, hnsw_config: Optional[Union[HnswConfigDiff, HnswConfigDiff]] = None, optimizers_config: Optional[Union[OptimizersConfigDiff, OptimizersConfigDiff]] = None, wal_config: Optional[Union[WalConfigDiff, WalConfigDiff]] = None, quantization_config: Optional[Union[ScalarQuantization, ProductQuantization, BinaryQuantization, QuantizationConfig]] = None, init_from: Optional[Union[InitFrom, str]] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, strict_mode_config: Optional[StrictModeConfig] = None, **kwargs: Any) bool [source]
Create empty collection with given parameters
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection to recreate
vectors_config – Configuration of the vector storage. Vector params contains size and distance for the vector storage. If dict is passed, service will create a vector storage for each key in the dict. If single VectorParams is passed, service will create a single anonymous vector storage.
sparse_vectors_config – Configuration of the sparse vector storage. The service will create a sparse vector storage for each key in the dict.
shard_number – Number of shards in collection. Default is 1, minimum is 1.
sharding_method – Defines strategy for shard creation. Option auto (default) creates defined number of shards automatically. Data will be distributed between shards automatically. After creation, shards could be additionally replicated, but new shards could not be created. Option custom allows to create shards manually, each shard should be created with assigned unique shard_key. Data will be distributed between based on shard_key value.
replication_factor – Replication factor for collection. Default is 1, minimum is 1. Defines how many copies of each shard will be created. Have effect only in distributed mode.
write_consistency_factor – Write consistency factor for collection. Default is 1, minimum is 1. Defines how many replicas should apply the operation for us to consider it successful. Increasing this number will make the collection more resilient to inconsistencies, but will also make it fail if not enough replicas are available. Does not have any performance impact. Have effect only in distributed mode.
on_disk_payload – If true - point`s payload will not be stored in memory. It will be read from the disk every time it is requested. This setting saves RAM by (slightly) increasing the response time. Note: those payload values that are involved in filtering and are indexed - remain in RAM.
hnsw_config – Params for HNSW index
optimizers_config – Params for optimizer
wal_config – Params for Write-Ahead-Log
quantization_config – Params for quantization, if None - quantization will be disabled
init_from – Use data stored in another collection to initialize this collection
timeout – Wait for operation commit timeout in seconds. If timeout is reached - request will return with service error.
strict_mode_config – Configure limitations for the collection, such as max size, rate limits, etc.
- Returns:
Operation result
- async create_full_snapshot(wait: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) Optional[SnapshotDescription] [source]
Create snapshot for a whole storage.
- Parameters:
wait –
Await for the snapshot to be created.
If true, result will be returned only when the snapshot is created
If false, result will be returned immediately after the confirmation of receiving.
- Returns:
Snapshot description
- async create_payload_index(collection_name: str, field_name: str, field_schema: Optional[Union[PayloadSchemaType, KeywordIndexParams, IntegerIndexParams, FloatIndexParams, GeoIndexParams, TextIndexParams, BoolIndexParams, DatetimeIndexParams, UuidIndexParams, int, PayloadIndexParams]] = None, field_type: Optional[Union[PayloadSchemaType, KeywordIndexParams, IntegerIndexParams, FloatIndexParams, GeoIndexParams, TextIndexParams, BoolIndexParams, DatetimeIndexParams, UuidIndexParams, int, PayloadIndexParams]] = None, wait: bool = True, ordering: Optional[WriteOrdering] = None, **kwargs: Any) UpdateResult [source]
Creates index for a given payload field. Indexed fields allow to perform filtered search operations faster.
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection
field_name – Name of the payload field
field_schema – Type of data to index
field_type – Same as field_schema, but deprecated
wait –
Await for the results to be processed.
If true, result will be returned only when all changes are applied
If false, result will be returned immediately after the confirmation of receiving.
ordering (Optional[WriteOrdering]) –
Define strategy for ordering of the points. Possible values:
weak (default) - write operations may be reordered, works faster
medium - write operations go through dynamically selected leader, may be inconsistent for a short period of time in case of leader change
strong - Write operations go through the permanent leader, consistent, but may be unavailable if leader is down
- Returns:
Operation Result
- async create_shard_key(collection_name: str, shard_key: Union[int, str], shards_number: Optional[int] = None, replication_factor: Optional[int] = None, placement: Optional[list[int]] = None, **kwargs: Any) bool [source]
Create shard key for collection.
Only works for collections with custom sharding method.
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection
shard_key – Shard key to create
shards_number – How many shards to create for this key
replication_factor – Replication factor for this key
placement – List of peers to place shards on. If None - place on all peers.
- Returns:
Operation result
- async create_shard_snapshot(collection_name: str, shard_id: int, wait: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) Optional[SnapshotDescription] [source]
Create snapshot for a given shard.
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection
shard_id – Index of the shard
wait –
Await for the snapshot to be created.
If true, result will be returned only when the snapshot is created.
If false, result will be returned immediately after the confirmation of receiving.
- Returns:
Snapshot description
- async create_snapshot(collection_name: str, wait: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) Optional[SnapshotDescription] [source]
Create snapshot for a given collection.
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection
wait –
Await for the snapshot to be created.
If true, result will be returned only when a snapshot is created
If false, result will be returned immediately after the confirmation of receiving.
- Returns:
Snapshot description
- async delete(collection_name: str, points_selector: Union[list[Union[int, str, points_pb2.PointId]], Filter, Filter, PointIdsList, FilterSelector, PointsSelector], wait: bool = True, ordering: Optional[WriteOrdering] = None, shard_key_selector: Optional[Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) UpdateResult [source]
Deletes selected points from collection
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection
wait –
Await for the results to be processed.
If true, result will be returned only when all changes are applied
If false, result will be returned immediately after the confirmation of receiving.
points_selector –
Selects points based on list of IDs or filter. Examples:
points=[1, 2, 3, “cd3b53f0-11a7-449f-bc50-d06310e7ed90”]
points=Filter(must=[FieldCondition(key=’rand_number’, range=Range(gte=0.7))])
ordering (Optional[WriteOrdering]) –
Define strategy for ordering of the points. Possible values:
weak (default) - write operations may be reordered, works faster
medium - write operations go through dynamically selected leader, may be inconsistent for a short period of time in case of leader change
strong - Write operations go through the permanent leader, consistent, but may be unavailable if leader is down
shard_key_selector – Defines the shard groups that should be used to write updates into. If multiple shard_keys are provided, the update will be written to each of them. Only works for collections with custom sharding method.
- Returns:
Operation result
- async delete_collection(collection_name: str, timeout: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any) bool [source]
Removes collection and all it’s data
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection to delete
timeout – Wait for operation commit timeout in seconds. If timeout is reached - request will return with service error.
- Returns:
Operation result
- async delete_full_snapshot(snapshot_name: str, wait: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) Optional[bool] [source]
Delete snapshot for a whole storage.
- Parameters:
snapshot_name – Snapshot name
wait –
Await for the snapshot to be deleted.
If true, result will be returned only when the snapshot is deleted
If false, result will be returned immediately after the confirmation of receiving.
- Returns:
True if snapshot was deleted
- async delete_payload(collection_name: str, keys: Sequence[str], points: Union[list[Union[int, str, points_pb2.PointId]], Filter, Filter, PointIdsList, FilterSelector, PointsSelector], wait: bool = True, ordering: Optional[WriteOrdering] = None, shard_key_selector: Optional[Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) UpdateResult [source]
Remove values from point’s payload
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection
wait –
Await for the results to be processed.
If true, result will be returned only when all changes are applied
If false, result will be returned immediately after the confirmation of receiving.
keys – List of payload keys to remove
points –
List of affected points, filter or points selector. .. rubric:: Example
points=[1, 2, 3, “cd3b53f0-11a7-449f-bc50-d06310e7ed90”]
points=Filter(must=[FieldCondition(key=’rand_number’, range=Range(gte=0.7))])
ordering (Optional[WriteOrdering]) –
Define strategy for ordering of the points. Possible values:
weak (default) - write operations may be reordered, works faster
medium - write operations go through dynamically selected leader, may be inconsistent for a short period of time in case of leader change
strong - Write operations go through the permanent leader, consistent, but may be unavailable if leader is downn
shard_key_selector – Defines the shard groups that should be used to write updates into. If multiple shard_keys are provided, the update will be written to each of them. Only works for collections with custom sharding method.
- Returns:
Operation result
- async delete_payload_index(collection_name: str, field_name: str, wait: bool = True, ordering: Optional[WriteOrdering] = None, **kwargs: Any) UpdateResult [source]
Removes index for a given payload field.
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection
field_name – Name of the payload field
wait –
Await for the results to be processed.
If true, result will be returned only when all changes are applied
If false, result will be returned immediately after the confirmation of receiving.
ordering (Optional[WriteOrdering]) –
Define strategy for ordering of the points. Possible values:
weak (default) - write operations may be reordered, works faster
medium - write operations go through dynamically selected leader, may be inconsistent for a short period of time in case of leader change
strong - Write operations go through the permanent leader, consistent, but may be unavailable if leader is down
- Returns:
Operation Result
- async delete_shard_key(collection_name: str, shard_key: Union[int, str], **kwargs: Any) bool [source]
Delete shard key for collection.
Only works for collections with custom sharding method.
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection
shard_key – Shard key to delete
- Returns:
Operation result
- async delete_shard_snapshot(collection_name: str, shard_id: int, snapshot_name: str, wait: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) Optional[bool] [source]
Delete snapshot for a given shard.
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection
shard_id – Index of the shard
snapshot_name – Snapshot id
wait –
Await for the snapshot to be deleted.
If true, result will be returned only when the snapshot is deleted
If false, result will be returned immediately after the confirmation of receiving.
- Returns:
True if snapshot was deleted
- async delete_snapshot(collection_name: str, snapshot_name: str, wait: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) Optional[bool] [source]
Delete snapshot for a given collection.
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection
snapshot_name – Snapshot id
wait –
Await for the snapshot to be deleted.
If true, result will be returned only when the snapshot is deleted
If false, result will be returned immediately after the confirmation of receiving.
- Returns:
True if snapshot was deleted
- async delete_vectors(collection_name: str, vectors: Sequence[str], points: Union[list[Union[int, str, points_pb2.PointId]], Filter, Filter, PointIdsList, FilterSelector, PointsSelector], wait: bool = True, ordering: Optional[WriteOrdering] = None, shard_key_selector: Optional[Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) UpdateResult [source]
Delete specified vector from the collection. Does not affect payload.
- Parameters:
collection_name (str) – Name of the collection to delete vector from
vectors – List of names of the vectors to delete. Use “” to delete the default vector. At least one vector should be specified.
points (Point) –
Selects points based on list of IDs or filter Examples:
points=[1, 2, 3, “cd3b53f0-11a7-449f-bc50-d06310e7ed90”]
points=Filter(must=[FieldCondition(key=’rand_number’, range=Range(gte=0.7))])
wait (bool) –
Await for the results to be processed.
If true, result will be returned only when all changes are applied
If false, result will be returned immediately after the confirmation of receiving.
ordering (Optional[WriteOrdering]) –
Define strategy for ordering of the points. Possible values:
weak (default) - write operations may be reordered, works faster
medium - write operations go through dynamically selected leader, may be inconsistent for a short period of time in case of leader change
strong - Write operations go through the permanent leader, consistent, but may be unavailable if leader is down
shard_key_selector – Defines the shard groups that should be used to write updates into. If multiple shard_keys are provided, the update will be written to each of them. Only works for collections with custom sharding method.
- Returns:
Operation result
- async discover(collection_name: str, target: Optional[Union[int, str, List[float], SparseVector, TargetVector]] = None, context: Optional[Sequence[Union[ContextExamplePair, ContextExamplePair]]] = None, query_filter: Optional[Union[Filter, Filter]] = None, search_params: Optional[Union[SearchParams, SearchParams]] = None, limit: int = 10, offset: int = 0, with_payload: Union[bool, list[str], PayloadSelectorInclude, PayloadSelectorExclude, WithPayloadSelector] = True, with_vectors: Union[bool, list[str]] = False, using: Optional[str] = None, lookup_from: Optional[Union[LookupLocation, LookupLocation]] = None, consistency: Optional[Union[int, ReadConsistencyType]] = None, shard_key_selector: Optional[Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]]] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any) list[ScoredPoint] [source]
Use context and a target to find the most similar points, constrained by the context.
- Parameters:
collection_name – Collection to discover in
target –
Look for vectors closest to this.
When using the target (with or without context), the integer part of the score represents the rank with respect to the context, while the decimal part of the score relates to the distance to the target.
context –
Pairs of { positive, negative } examples to constrain the search.
When using only the context (without a target), a special search - called context search - is performed where pairs of points are used to generate a loss that guides the search towards the zone where most positive examples overlap. This means that the score minimizes the scenario of finding a point closer to a negative than to a positive part of a pair.
Since the score of a context relates to loss, the maximum score a point can get is 0.0, and it becomes normal that many points can have a score of 0.0.
For discovery search (when including a target), the context part of the score for each pair is calculated +1 if the point is closer to a positive than to a negative part of a pair, and -1 otherwise.
query_filter – Look only for points which satisfies this conditions
search_params – Additional search params
limit – Max number of result to return
offset – Offset of the first result to return. May be used to paginate results. Note: large offset values may cause performance issues.
with_payload – Select which payload to return with the response. Default: None
with_vectors – Whether to return the point vector with the result?
using – Define which vector to use for recommendation, if not specified - try to use default vector.
lookup_from – The location used to lookup vectors. If not specified - use current collection. Note: the other collection should have the same vector size as the current collection.
consistency –
Read consistency of the search. Defines how many replicas should be queried before returning the result. Values:
int - number of replicas to query, values should present in all queried replicas
’majority’ - query all replicas, but return values present in the majority of replicas
’quorum’ - query the majority of replicas, return values present in all of them
’all’ - query all replicas, and return values present in all replicas
shard_key_selector – This parameter allows to specify which shards should be queried. If None - query all shards. Only works for collections with custom sharding method.
timeout – Overrides global timeout for this search. Unit is seconds.
- Returns:
List of discovered points with discovery or context scores, accordingly.
- async discover_batch(collection_name: str, requests: Sequence[Union[DiscoverRequest, DiscoverPoints]], consistency: Optional[Union[int, ReadConsistencyType]] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any) list[list[ScoredPoint]] [source]
- async facet(collection_name: str, key: str, facet_filter: Optional[Union[Filter, Filter]] = None, limit: int = 10, exact: bool = False, consistency: Optional[Union[int, ReadConsistencyType]] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, shard_key_selector: Optional[Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) FacetResponse [source]
Facet counts for the collection. For a specific payload key, returns unique values along with their counts. Higher counts come first in the results.
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection
key – Payload field to facet
facet_filter – Filter to apply
limit – Maximum number of hits to return
exact – If True - provide the exact count of points matching the filter. If False - provide the approximate count of points matching the filter. Works faster.
consistency –
Read consistency of the search. Defines how many replicas should be queried before returning the result. Values:
int - number of replicas to query, values should present in all queried replicas
’majority’ - query all replicas, but return values present in the majority of replicas
’quorum’ - query the majority of replicas, return values present in all of them
’all’ - query all replicas, and return values present in all replicas
timeout – Overrides global timeout for this search. Unit is seconds.
shard_key_selector – This parameter allows to specify which shards should be queried. If None - query all shards. Only works for collections with custom sharding method.
- Returns:
Unique values in the facet and the amount of points that they cover.
- async get_aliases(**kwargs: Any) CollectionsAliasesResponse [source]
Get all aliases
- Returns:
All aliases of all collections
- async get_collection(collection_name: str, **kwargs: Any) CollectionInfo [source]
Get detailed information about specified existing collection
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection
- Returns:
Detailed information about the collection
- async get_collection_aliases(collection_name: str, **kwargs: Any) CollectionsAliasesResponse [source]
Get collection aliases
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection
- Returns:
Collection aliases
- async get_collections(**kwargs: Any) CollectionsResponse [source]
Get list name of all existing collections
- Returns:
List of the collections
- async get_locks(**kwargs: Any) LocksOption [source]
Get current locks state.
- async info() VersionInfo [source]
Returns information about the running Qdrant instance like version and commit id
- Returns:
Title, version and optionally commit info
- async list_full_snapshots(**kwargs: Any) list[SnapshotDescription] [source]
List all snapshots for a whole storage
- Returns:
List of snapshots
- async list_shard_snapshots(collection_name: str, shard_id: int, **kwargs: Any) list[SnapshotDescription] [source]
List all snapshots of a given shard
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection
shard_id – Index of the shard
- Returns:
List of snapshots
- async list_snapshots(collection_name: str, **kwargs: Any) list[SnapshotDescription] [source]
List all snapshots for a given collection.
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection
- Returns:
List of snapshots
- async lock_storage(reason: str, **kwargs: Any) LocksOption [source]
Lock storage for writing.
- async overwrite_payload(collection_name: str, payload: Dict[str, Any], points: Union[list[Union[int, str, points_pb2.PointId]], Filter, Filter, PointIdsList, FilterSelector, PointsSelector], wait: bool = True, ordering: Optional[WriteOrdering] = None, shard_key_selector: Optional[Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) UpdateResult [source]
Overwrites payload of the specified points After this operation is applied, only the specified payload will be present in the point. The existing payload, even if the key is not specified in the payload, will be deleted.
Set payload:
# Overwrite payload value with key `"key"` to points 1, 2, 3. # If any other valid payload value exists - it will be deleted qdrant_client.overwrite_payload( collection_name="test_collection", wait=True, payload={ "key": "value" }, points=[1,2,3] )
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection
wait –
Await for the results to be processed.
If true, result will be returned only when all changes are applied
If false, result will be returned immediately after the confirmation of receiving.
payload – Key-value pairs of payload to assign
points –
List of affected points, filter or points selector. .. rubric:: Example
points=[1, 2, 3, “cd3b53f0-11a7-449f-bc50-d06310e7ed90”]
points=Filter(must=[FieldCondition(key=’rand_number’, range=Range(gte=0.7))])
ordering (Optional[WriteOrdering]) –
Define strategy for ordering of the points. Possible values:
weak (default) - write operations may be reordered, works faster
medium - write operations go through dynamically selected leader, may be inconsistent for a short period of time in case of leader change
strong - Write operations go through the permanent leader, consistent, but may be unavailable if leader is down
shard_key_selector – Defines the shard groups that should be used to write updates into. If multiple shard_keys are provided, the update will be written to each of them. Only works for collections with custom sharding method.
- Returns:
Operation result
- async query_batch_points(collection_name: str, requests: Sequence[Union[QueryRequest, QueryPoints]], consistency: Optional[Union[int, ReadConsistencyType]] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any) list[QueryResponse] [source]
Perform any search, recommend, discovery, context search operations in batch, and mitigate network overhead
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection
requests – List of query requests
consistency –
Read consistency of the search. Defines how many replicas should be queried before returning the result. Values:
int - number of replicas to query, values should present in all queried replicas
’majority’ - query all replicas, but return values present in the majority of replicas
’quorum’ - query the majority of replicas, return values present in all of them
’all’ - query all replicas, and return values present in all replicas
timeout – Overrides global timeout for this search. Unit is seconds.
- Returns:
List of query responses
- async query_points(collection_name: str, query: Optional[Union[int, str, PointId, list[float], list[list[float]], SparseVector, NearestQuery, RecommendQuery, DiscoverQuery, ContextQuery, OrderByQuery, FusionQuery, SampleQuery, ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[Union[bool, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, float16, float32, float64, longdouble]]], Document, Image, InferenceObject]] = None, using: Optional[str] = None, prefetch: Optional[Union[Prefetch, list[Prefetch]]] = None, query_filter: Optional[Union[Filter, Filter]] = None, search_params: Optional[Union[SearchParams, SearchParams]] = None, limit: int = 10, offset: Optional[int] = None, with_payload: Union[bool, Sequence[str], PayloadSelectorInclude, PayloadSelectorExclude, WithPayloadSelector] = True, with_vectors: Union[bool, Sequence[str]] = False, score_threshold: Optional[float] = None, lookup_from: Optional[Union[LookupLocation, LookupLocation]] = None, consistency: Optional[Union[int, ReadConsistencyType]] = None, shard_key_selector: Optional[Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]]] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any) QueryResponse [source]
Universal endpoint to run any available operation, such as search, recommendation, discovery, context search.
- Parameters:
collection_name – Collection to search in
query – Query for the chosen search type operation. - If str - use string as UUID of the existing point as a search query. - If int - use integer as ID of the existing point as a search query. - If list[float] - use as a dense vector for nearest search. - If list[list[float]] - use as a multi-vector for nearest search. - If SparseVector - use as a sparse vector for nearest search. - If Query - use as a query for specific search type. - If NumpyArray - use as a dense vector for nearest search. - If Document - infer vector from the document text and use it for nearest search (requires fastembed package installed). - If None - return first limit points from the collection.
prefetch – prefetch queries to make a selection of the data to be used with the main query
query_filter –
Exclude vectors which doesn’t fit given conditions.
If None - search among all vectors
search_params – Additional search params
limit – How many results return
offset – Offset of the first result to return. May be used to paginate results. Note: large offset values may cause performance issues.
with_payload –
Specify which stored payload should be attached to the result.
If True - attach all payload
If False - do not attach any payload
If List of string - include only specified fields
If PayloadSelector - use explicit rules
with_vectors –
If True - Attach stored vector to the search result.
If False - Do not attach vector.
If List of string - include only specified fields
Default: False
score_threshold – Define a minimal score threshold for the result. If defined, less similar results will not be returned. Score of the returned result might be higher or smaller than the threshold depending on the Distance function used. E.g. for cosine similarity only higher scores will be returned.
using – Name of the vectors to use for query. If None - use default vectors or provided in named vector structures.
lookup_from –
- Defines a location (collection and vector field name), used to lookup vectors for recommendations,
discovery and context queries.
If None - current collection will be used.
consistency –
Read consistency of the search. Defines how many replicas should be queried before returning the result. Values:
int - number of replicas to query, values should present in all queried replicas
’majority’ - query all replicas, but return values present in the majority of replicas
’quorum’ - query the majority of replicas, return values present in all of them
’all’ - query all replicas, and return values present in all replicas
shard_key_selector – This parameter allows to specify which shards should be queried. If None - query all shards. Only works for collections with custom sharding method.
timeout – Overrides global timeout for this search. Unit is seconds.
Search for closest points with a filter:
qdrant.query( collection_name="test_collection", query=[1.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.7], query_filter=Filter( must=[ FieldCondition( key='color', range=Match( value="red" ) ) ] ) )
- Returns:
QueryResponse structure containing list of found close points with similarity scores.
- async query_points_groups(collection_name: str, group_by: str, query: Optional[Union[int, str, PointId, list[float], list[list[float]], SparseVector, NearestQuery, RecommendQuery, DiscoverQuery, ContextQuery, OrderByQuery, FusionQuery, SampleQuery, ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[Union[bool, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, float16, float32, float64, longdouble]]], Document, Image, InferenceObject]] = None, using: Optional[str] = None, prefetch: Optional[Union[Prefetch, list[Prefetch]]] = None, query_filter: Optional[Union[Filter, Filter]] = None, search_params: Optional[Union[SearchParams, SearchParams]] = None, limit: int = 10, group_size: int = 3, with_payload: Union[bool, Sequence[str], PayloadSelectorInclude, PayloadSelectorExclude, WithPayloadSelector] = True, with_vectors: Union[bool, Sequence[str]] = False, score_threshold: Optional[float] = None, with_lookup: Optional[Union[str, WithLookup]] = None, lookup_from: Optional[Union[LookupLocation, LookupLocation]] = None, consistency: Optional[Union[int, ReadConsistencyType]] = None, shard_key_selector: Optional[Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]]] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any) GroupsResult [source]
Universal endpoint to group on any available operation, such as search, recommendation, discovery, context search.
- Parameters:
collection_name – Collection to search in
query – Query for the chosen search type operation. - If str - use string as UUID of the existing point as a search query. - If int - use integer as ID of the existing point as a search query. - If list[float] - use as a dense vector for nearest search. - If list[list[float]] - use as a multi-vector for nearest search. - If SparseVector - use as a sparse vector for nearest search. - If Query - use as a query for specific search type. - If NumpyArray - use as a dense vector for nearest search. - If Document - infer vector from the document text and use it for nearest search (requires fastembed package installed). - If None - return first limit points from the collection.
prefetch – prefetch queries to make a selection of the data to be used with the main query
query_filter –
Exclude vectors which doesn’t fit given conditions.
If None - search among all vectors
search_params – Additional search params
limit – How many results return
group_size – How many results return for each group
group_by – Name of the payload field to group by. Field must be of type “keyword” or “integer”. Nested fields are specified using dot notation, e.g. “nested_field.subfield”.
with_payload –
Specify which stored payload should be attached to the result.
If True - attach all payload
If False - do not attach any payload
If List of string - include only specified fields
If PayloadSelector - use explicit rules
with_vectors –
If True - Attach stored vector to the search result.
If False - Do not attach vector.
If List of string - include only specified fields
Default: False
score_threshold – Define a minimal score threshold for the result. If defined, less similar results will not be returned. Score of the returned result might be higher or smaller than the threshold depending on the Distance function used. E.g. for cosine similarity only higher scores will be returned.
using – Name of the vectors to use for query. If None - use default vectors or provided in named vector structures.
with_lookup – Look for points in another collection using the group ids. If specified, each group will contain a record from the specified collection with the same id as the group id. In addition, the parameter allows to specify which parts of the record should be returned, like in with_payload and with_vectors parameters.
lookup_from – Defines a location (collection and vector field name), used to lookup vectors being referenced in the query as IDs. If None - current collection will be used.
consistency –
Read consistency of the search. Defines how many replicas should be queried before returning the result. Values:
int - number of replicas to query, values should present in all queried replicas
’majority’ - query all replicas, but return values present in the majority of replicas
’quorum’ - query the majority of replicas, return values present in all of them
’all’ - query all replicas, and return values present in all replicas
shard_key_selector – This parameter allows to specify which shards should be queried. If None - query all shards. Only works for collections with custom sharding method.
timeout – Overrides global timeout for this search. Unit is seconds.
Search for closest points and group results:
qdrant.query_points_groups( collection_name="test_collection", query=[1.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.7], group_by="color", group_size=3, ) Returns: List of groups with not more than `group_size` hits in each group. Each group also contains an id of the group, which is the value of the payload field.
- async recommend(collection_name: str, positive: Optional[Sequence[Union[int, str, List[float], SparseVector]]] = None, negative: Optional[Sequence[Union[int, str, List[float], SparseVector]]] = None, query_filter: Optional[Union[Filter, Filter]] = None, search_params: Optional[Union[SearchParams, SearchParams]] = None, limit: int = 10, offset: int = 0, with_payload: Union[bool, list[str], PayloadSelectorInclude, PayloadSelectorExclude, WithPayloadSelector] = True, with_vectors: Union[bool, list[str]] = False, score_threshold: Optional[float] = None, using: Optional[str] = None, lookup_from: Optional[Union[LookupLocation, LookupLocation]] = None, strategy: Optional[RecommendStrategy] = None, consistency: Optional[Union[int, ReadConsistencyType]] = None, shard_key_selector: Optional[Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]]] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any) list[ScoredPoint] [source]
Recommend points: search for similar points based on already stored in Qdrant examples.
Provide IDs of the stored points, and Qdrant will perform search based on already existing vectors. This functionality is especially useful for recommendation over existing collection of points.
- Parameters:
collection_name – Collection to search in
positive – List of stored point IDs or vectors, which should be used as reference for similarity search. If there is only one example - this request is equivalent to the regular search with vector of that point. If there are more than one example, Qdrant will attempt to search for similar to all of them. Recommendation for multiple vectors is experimental. Its behaviour may change depending on selected strategy.
negative – List of stored point IDs or vectors, which should be dissimilar to the search result. Negative examples is an experimental functionality. Its behaviour may change depending on selected strategy.
query_filter –
Exclude vectors which doesn’t fit given conditions.
If None - search among all vectors
search_params – Additional search params
limit – How many results return
offset – Offset of the first result to return. May be used to paginate results. Note: large offset values may cause performance issues.
with_payload –
Specify which stored payload should be attached to the result.
If True - attach all payload
If False - do not attach any payload
If List of string - include only specified fields
If PayloadSelector - use explicit rules
with_vectors –
If True - Attach stored vector to the search result.
If False - Do not attach vector.
If List of string - include only specified fields
Default: False
score_threshold – Define a minimal score threshold for the result. If defined, less similar results will not be returned. Score of the returned result might be higher or smaller than the threshold depending on the Distance function used. E.g. for cosine similarity only higher scores will be returned.
using – Name of the vectors to use for recommendations. If None - use default vectors.
lookup_from – Defines a location (collection and vector field name), used to lookup vectors for recommendations. If None - current collection will be used.
consistency –
Read consistency of the search. Defines how many replicas should be queried before returning the result. Values:
int - number of replicas to query, values should present in all queried replicas
’majority’ - query all replicas, but return values present in the majority of replicas
’quorum’ - query the majority of replicas, return values present in all of them
’all’ - query all replicas, and return values present in all replicas
shard_key_selector – This parameter allows to specify which shards should be queried. If None - query all shards. Only works for collections with custom sharding method.
strategy –
Strategy to use for recommendation. Strategy defines how to combine multiple examples into a recommendation query. Possible values:
’average_vector’ - calculates average vector of all examples and uses it for search
’best_score’ - finds the result which is closer to positive examples and further from negative
timeout – Overrides global timeout for this search. Unit is seconds.
- Returns:
List of recommended points with similarity scores.
- async recommend_batch(collection_name: str, requests: Sequence[Union[RecommendRequest, RecommendPoints]], consistency: Optional[Union[int, ReadConsistencyType]] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any) list[list[ScoredPoint]] [source]
Perform multiple recommend requests in batch mode
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection
requests – List of recommend requests
consistency –
Read consistency of the search. Defines how many replicas should be queried before returning the result. Values:
int - number of replicas to query, values should present in all queried replicas
’majority’ - query all replicas, but return values present in the majority of replicas
’quorum’ - query the majority of replicas, return values present in all of them
’all’ - query all replicas, and return values present in all replicas
timeout – Overrides global timeout for this search. Unit is seconds.
- Returns:
List of recommend responses
- async recommend_groups(collection_name: str, group_by: str, positive: Optional[Sequence[Union[int, str, List[float], SparseVector]]] = None, negative: Optional[Sequence[Union[int, str, List[float], SparseVector]]] = None, query_filter: Optional[Union[Filter, Filter]] = None, search_params: Optional[Union[SearchParams, SearchParams]] = None, limit: int = 10, group_size: int = 1, score_threshold: Optional[float] = None, with_payload: Union[bool, Sequence[str], PayloadSelectorInclude, PayloadSelectorExclude, WithPayloadSelector] = True, with_vectors: Union[bool, Sequence[str]] = False, using: Optional[str] = None, lookup_from: Optional[Union[LookupLocation, LookupLocation]] = None, with_lookup: Optional[Union[str, WithLookup]] = None, strategy: Optional[RecommendStrategy] = None, consistency: Optional[Union[int, ReadConsistencyType]] = None, shard_key_selector: Optional[Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]]] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any) GroupsResult [source]
Recommend point groups: search for similar points based on already stored in Qdrant examples and groups by payload field.
Recommend best matches for given stored examples grouped by the value of payload field. Useful to obtain most relevant results for each category, deduplicate results, finding the best representation vector for the same entity.
- Parameters:
collection_name – Collection to search in
positive – List of stored point IDs or vectors, which should be used as reference for similarity search. If there is only one example - this request is equivalent to the regular search with vector of that point. If there are more than one example, Qdrant will attempt to search for similar to all of them. Recommendation for multiple vectors is experimental. Its behaviour may change depending on selected strategy.
negative – List of stored point IDs or vectors, which should be dissimilar to the search result. Negative examples is an experimental functionality. Its behaviour may change depending on selected strategy.
group_by – Name of the payload field to group by. Field must be of type “keyword” or “integer”. Nested fields are specified using dot notation, e.g. “nested_field.subfield”.
query_filter –
Exclude vectors which doesn’t fit given conditions.
If None - search among all vectors
search_params – Additional search params
limit – How many groups return
group_size – How many results return for each group
with_payload –
Specify which stored payload should be attached to the result.
If True - attach all payload
If False - do not attach any payload
If List of string - include only specified fields
If PayloadSelector - use explicit rules
with_vectors –
If True - Attach stored vector to the search result.
If False - Do not attach vector.
If List of string - include only specified fields
Default: False
score_threshold – Define a minimal score threshold for the result. If defined, less similar results will not be returned. Score of the returned result might be higher or smaller than the threshold depending on the Distance function used. E.g. for cosine similarity only higher scores will be returned.
using – Name of the vectors to use for recommendations. If None - use default vectors.
lookup_from – Defines a location (collection and vector field name), used to lookup vectors for recommendations. If None - current collection will be used.
with_lookup – Look for points in another collection using the group ids. If specified, each group will contain a record from the specified collection with the same id as the group id. In addition, the parameter allows to specify which parts of the record should be returned, like in with_payload and with_vectors parameters.
consistency –
Read consistency of the search. Defines how many replicas should be queried before returning the result. Values:
int - number of replicas to query, values should present in all queried replicas
’majority’ - query all replicas, but return values present in the majority of replicas
’quorum’ - query the majority of replicas, return values present in all of them
’all’ - query all replicas, and return values present in all replicas
shard_key_selector – This parameter allows to specify which shards should be queried. If None - query all shards. Only works for collections with custom sharding method.
strategy –
Strategy to use for recommendation. Strategy defines how to combine multiple examples into a recommendation query. Possible values:
’average_vector’ - calculates average vector of all examples and uses it for search
’best_score’ - finds the result which is closer to positive examples and further from negative
timeout – Overrides global timeout for this search. Unit is seconds.
- Returns:
List of groups with not more than group_size hits in each group. Each group also contains an id of the group, which is the value of the payload field.
- async recover_shard_snapshot(collection_name: str, shard_id: int, location: str, api_key: Optional[str] = None, checksum: Optional[str] = None, priority: Optional[SnapshotPriority] = None, wait: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) Optional[bool] [source]
Recover shard from snapshot.
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection
shard_id – Index of the shard
location – URL of the snapshot Example: - URL http://localhost:8080/collections/my_collection/snapshots/my_snapshot
api_key – API key to use for accessing the snapshot on another server.
checksum – Checksum of the snapshot to verify the integrity of the snapshot.
priority –
Defines source of truth for snapshot recovery
replica (default) means - prefer existing data over the snapshot
no_sync means - do not sync shard with other shards
snapshot means - prefer snapshot data over the current state
wait –
Await for the recovery to be done.
If true, result will be returned only when the recovery is done
If false, result will be returned immediately after the confirmation of receiving.
- Returns:
True if snapshot was recovered
- async recover_snapshot(collection_name: str, location: str, api_key: Optional[str] = None, checksum: Optional[str] = None, priority: Optional[SnapshotPriority] = None, wait: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) Optional[bool] [source]
Recover collection from snapshot.
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection
location – URL of the snapshot Example: - URL http://localhost:8080/collections/my_collection/snapshots/my_snapshot - Local path file:///qdrant/snapshots/test_collection/test_collection-6194298859870377-2023-11-09-15-17-51.snapshot
api_key – API key to use for accessing the snapshot on another server.
checksum – Checksum of the snapshot to verify the integrity of the snapshot.
priority –
Defines source of truth for snapshot recovery
replica (default) means - prefer existing data over the snapshot
no_sync means - do not sync shard with other shards
snapshot means - prefer snapshot data over the current state
wait –
Await for the recovery to be done.
If true, result will be returned only when the recovery is done
If false, result will be returned immediately after the confirmation of receiving.
- Returns:
True if snapshot was recovered
- async recreate_collection(collection_name: str, vectors_config: Union[VectorParams, Mapping[str, VectorParams]], sparse_vectors_config: Optional[Mapping[str, SparseVectorParams]] = None, shard_number: Optional[int] = None, sharding_method: Optional[ShardingMethod] = None, replication_factor: Optional[int] = None, write_consistency_factor: Optional[int] = None, on_disk_payload: Optional[bool] = None, hnsw_config: Optional[Union[HnswConfigDiff, HnswConfigDiff]] = None, optimizers_config: Optional[Union[OptimizersConfigDiff, OptimizersConfigDiff]] = None, wal_config: Optional[Union[WalConfigDiff, WalConfigDiff]] = None, quantization_config: Optional[Union[ScalarQuantization, ProductQuantization, BinaryQuantization, QuantizationConfig]] = None, init_from: Optional[Union[InitFrom, str]] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, strict_mode_config: Optional[StrictModeConfig] = None, **kwargs: Any) bool [source]
Delete and create empty collection with given parameters
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection to recreate
vectors_config – Configuration of the vector storage. Vector params contains size and distance for the vector storage. If dict is passed, service will create a vector storage for each key in the dict. If single VectorParams is passed, service will create a single anonymous vector storage.
sparse_vectors_config – Configuration of the sparse vector storage. The service will create a sparse vector storage for each key in the dict.
shard_number – Number of shards in collection. Default is 1, minimum is 1.
sharding_method – Defines strategy for shard creation. Option auto (default) creates defined number of shards automatically. Data will be distributed between shards automatically. After creation, shards could be additionally replicated, but new shards could not be created. Option custom allows to create shards manually, each shard should be created with assigned unique shard_key. Data will be distributed between based on shard_key value.
replication_factor – Replication factor for collection. Default is 1, minimum is 1. Defines how many copies of each shard will be created. Have effect only in distributed mode.
write_consistency_factor – Write consistency factor for collection. Default is 1, minimum is 1. Defines how many replicas should apply the operation for us to consider it successful. Increasing this number will make the collection more resilient to inconsistencies, but will also make it fail if not enough replicas are available. Does not have any performance impact. Have effect only in distributed mode.
on_disk_payload – If true - point`s payload will not be stored in memory. It will be read from the disk every time it is requested. This setting saves RAM by (slightly) increasing the response time. Note: those payload values that are involved in filtering and are indexed - remain in RAM.
hnsw_config – Params for HNSW index
optimizers_config – Params for optimizer
wal_config – Params for Write-Ahead-Log
quantization_config – Params for quantization, if None - quantization will be disabled
init_from – Use data stored in another collection to initialize this collection
timeout – Wait for operation commit timeout in seconds. If timeout is reached - request will return with service error.
strict_mode_config – Configure limitations for the collection, such as max size, rate limits, etc.
- Returns:
Operation result
- async retrieve(collection_name: str, ids: Sequence[Union[int, str, PointId]], with_payload: Union[bool, Sequence[str], PayloadSelectorInclude, PayloadSelectorExclude, WithPayloadSelector] = True, with_vectors: Union[bool, Sequence[str]] = False, consistency: Optional[Union[int, ReadConsistencyType]] = None, shard_key_selector: Optional[Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]]] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any) list[Record] [source]
Retrieve stored points by IDs
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection to lookup in
ids – list of IDs to lookup
with_payload –
Specify which stored payload should be attached to the result.
If True - attach all payload
If False - do not attach any payload
If List of string - include only specified fields
If PayloadSelector - use explicit rules
with_vectors –
If True - Attach stored vector to the search result.
If False - Do not attach vector.
If List of string - Attach only specified vectors.
Default: False
consistency –
Read consistency of the search. Defines how many replicas should be queried before returning the result. Values:
int - number of replicas to query, values should present in all queried replicas
’majority’ - query all replicas, but return values present in the majority of replicas
’quorum’ - query the majority of replicas, return values present in all of them
’all’ - query all replicas, and return values present in all replicas
shard_key_selector – This parameter allows to specify which shards should be queried. If None - query all shards. Only works for collections with custom sharding method.
timeout – Overrides global timeout for this operation. Unit is seconds.
- Returns:
List of points
- async scroll(collection_name: str, scroll_filter: Optional[Union[Filter, Filter]] = None, limit: int = 10, order_by: Optional[Union[str, OrderBy, OrderBy]] = None, offset: Optional[Union[int, str, PointId]] = None, with_payload: Union[bool, Sequence[str], PayloadSelectorInclude, PayloadSelectorExclude, WithPayloadSelector] = True, with_vectors: Union[bool, Sequence[str]] = False, consistency: Optional[Union[int, ReadConsistencyType]] = None, shard_key_selector: Optional[Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]]] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any) tuple[list[Record], Union[int, str, points_pb2.PointId, NoneType]] [source]
Scroll over all (matching) points in the collection.
This method provides a way to iterate over all stored points with some optional filtering condition. Scroll does not apply any similarity estimations, it will return points sorted by id in ascending order.
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection
scroll_filter – If provided - only returns points matching filtering conditions
limit – How many points to return
order_by – Order the records by a payload key. If None - order by id
offset – If provided - skip points with ids less than given offset
with_payload –
Specify which stored payload should be attached to the result.
If True - attach all payload
If False - do not attach any payload
If List of string - include only specified fields
If PayloadSelector - use explicit rules
with_vectors –
If True - Attach stored vector to the search result.
If False (default) - Do not attach vector.
If List of string - include only specified fields
consistency –
Read consistency of the search. Defines how many replicas should be queried before returning the result. Values:
int - number of replicas to query, values should present in all queried replicas
’majority’ - query all replicas, but return values present in the majority of replicas
’quorum’ - query the majority of replicas, return values present in all of them
’all’ - query all replicas, and return values present in all replicas
shard_key_selector – This parameter allows to specify which shards should be queried. If None - query all shards. Only works for collections with custom sharding method.
timeout – Overrides global timeout for this operation. Unit is seconds.
- Returns:
A pair of (List of points) and (optional offset for the next scroll request). If next page offset is None - there is no more points in the collection to scroll.
- async search(collection_name: str, query_vector: Union[Sequence[float], tuple[str, list[float]], NamedVector, NamedSparseVector, ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[Union[bool, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, float16, float32, float64, longdouble]]]], query_filter: Optional[Union[Filter, Filter]] = None, search_params: Optional[Union[SearchParams, SearchParams]] = None, limit: int = 10, offset: Optional[int] = None, with_payload: Union[bool, Sequence[str], PayloadSelectorInclude, PayloadSelectorExclude, WithPayloadSelector] = True, with_vectors: Union[bool, Sequence[str]] = False, score_threshold: Optional[float] = None, append_payload: bool = True, consistency: Optional[Union[int, ReadConsistencyType]] = None, shard_key_selector: Optional[Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]]] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any) list[ScoredPoint] [source]
Search for closest vectors in collection taking into account filtering conditions
- Parameters:
collection_name – Collection to search in
query_vector – Search for vectors closest to this. Can be either a vector itself, or a named vector, or a named sparse vector, or a tuple of vector name and vector itself
query_filter –
Exclude vectors which doesn’t fit given conditions.
If None - search among all vectors
search_params – Additional search params
limit – How many results return
offset – Offset of the first result to return. May be used to paginate results. Note: large offset values may cause performance issues.
with_payload –
Specify which stored payload should be attached to the result.
If True - attach all payload
If False - do not attach any payload
If List of string - include only specified fields
If PayloadSelector - use explicit rules
with_vectors –
If True - Attach stored vector to the search result.
If False - Do not attach vector.
If List of string - include only specified fields
Default: False
score_threshold – Define a minimal score threshold for the result. If defined, less similar results will not be returned. Score of the returned result might be higher or smaller than the threshold depending on the Distance function used. E.g. for cosine similarity only higher scores will be returned.
append_payload – Same as with_payload. Deprecated.
consistency –
Read consistency of the search. Defines how many replicas should be queried before returning the result. Values:
int - number of replicas to query, values should present in all queried replicas
’majority’ - query all replicas, but return values present in the majority of replicas
’quorum’ - query the majority of replicas, return values present in all of them
’all’ - query all replicas, and return values present in all replicas
shard_key_selector – This parameter allows to specify which shards should be queried. If None - query all shards. Only works for collections with custom sharding method.
timeout – Overrides global timeout for this search. Unit is seconds.
Search with filter:
qdrant.search( collection_name="test_collection", query_vector=[1.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.7], query_filter=Filter( must=[ FieldCondition( key='color', range=Match( value="red" ) ) ] ) )
- Returns:
List of found close points with similarity scores.
- async search_batch(collection_name: str, requests: Sequence[Union[SearchRequest, SearchPoints]], timeout: Optional[int] = None, consistency: Optional[Union[int, ReadConsistencyType]] = None, **kwargs: Any) list[list[ScoredPoint]] [source]
Perform multiple searches in a collection mitigating network overhead
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection
requests – List of search requests
consistency –
Read consistency of the search. Defines how many replicas should be queried before returning the result. Values:
int - number of replicas to query, values should present in all queried replicas
’majority’ - query all replicas, but return values present in the majority of replicas
’quorum’ - query the majority of replicas, return values present in all of them
’all’ - query all replicas, and return values present in all replicas
timeout – Overrides global timeout for this search. Unit is seconds.
- Returns:
List of search responses
- async search_groups(collection_name: str, query_vector: Union[Sequence[float], tuple[str, list[float]], NamedVector, NamedSparseVector, ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[Union[bool, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, float16, float32, float64, longdouble]]]], group_by: str, query_filter: Optional[Union[Filter, Filter]] = None, search_params: Optional[Union[SearchParams, SearchParams]] = None, limit: int = 10, group_size: int = 1, with_payload: Union[bool, Sequence[str], PayloadSelectorInclude, PayloadSelectorExclude, WithPayloadSelector] = True, with_vectors: Union[bool, Sequence[str]] = False, score_threshold: Optional[float] = None, with_lookup: Optional[Union[str, WithLookup]] = None, consistency: Optional[Union[int, ReadConsistencyType]] = None, shard_key_selector: Optional[Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]]] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any) GroupsResult [source]
Search for closest vectors grouped by payload field.
Searches best matches for query vector grouped by the value of payload field. Useful to obtain most relevant results for each category, deduplicate results, finding the best representation vector for the same entity.
- Parameters:
collection_name – Collection to search in
query_vector – Search for vectors closest to this. Can be either a vector itself, or a named vector, or a named sparse vector, or a tuple of vector name and vector itself
group_by – Name of the payload field to group by. Field must be of type “keyword” or “integer”. Nested fields are specified using dot notation, e.g. “nested_field.subfield”.
query_filter –
Exclude vectors which doesn’t fit given conditions.
If None - search among all vectors
search_params – Additional search params
limit – How many groups return
group_size – How many results return for each group
with_payload –
Specify which stored payload should be attached to the result.
If True - attach all payload
If False - do not attach any payload
If List of string - include only specified fields
If PayloadSelector - use explicit rules
with_vectors –
If True - Attach stored vector to the search result.
If False - Do not attach vector.
If List of string - include only specified fields
Default: False
score_threshold – Minimal score threshold for the result. If defined, less similar results will not be returned. Score of the returned result might be higher or smaller than the threshold depending on the Distance function used. E.g. for cosine similarity only higher scores will be returned.
with_lookup – Look for points in another collection using the group ids. If specified, each group will contain a record from the specified collection with the same id as the group id. In addition, the parameter allows to specify which parts of the record should be returned, like in with_payload and with_vectors parameters.
consistency – Read consistency of the search. Defines how many replicas should be queried before returning the result. Values: - int - number of replicas to query, values should present in all queried replicas - ‘majority’ - query all replicas, but return values present in the majority of replicas - ‘quorum’ - query the majority of replicas, return values present in all of them - ‘all’ - query all replicas, and return values present in all replicas
shard_key_selector – This parameter allows to specify which shards should be queried. If None - query all shards. Only works for collections with custom sharding method.
timeout – Overrides global timeout for this search. Unit is seconds.
- Returns:
List of groups with not more than group_size hits in each group. Each group also contains an id of the group, which is the value of the payload field.
- async search_matrix_offsets(collection_name: str, query_filter: Optional[Union[Filter, Filter]] = None, limit: int = 3, sample: int = 10, using: Optional[str] = None, consistency: Optional[Union[int, ReadConsistencyType]] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, shard_key_selector: Optional[Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) SearchMatrixOffsetsResponse [source]
Compute distance matrix for sampled points with an offset-based output format.
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection.
query_filter – Filter to apply.
limit – How many neighbors per sample to find.
sample – How many points to select and search within.
using – Name of the vectors to use for search. If None, use default vectors.
consistency – Read consistency of the search. Defines how many replicas should be queried before returning the result. Values: - int: Number of replicas to query, values should present in all queried replicas. - ‘majority’: Query all replicas, but return values present in the majority of replicas. - ‘quorum’: Query the majority of replicas, return values present in all of them. - ‘all’: Query all replicas and return values present in all replicas.
timeout – Overrides global timeout for this search. Unit is seconds.
shard_key_selector – This parameter allows specifying which shards should be queried. If None, query all shards. Only works for collections with the custom sharding method.
- Returns:
Distance matrix using an offset-based encoding.
- async search_matrix_pairs(collection_name: str, query_filter: Optional[Union[Filter, Filter]] = None, limit: int = 3, sample: int = 10, using: Optional[str] = None, consistency: Optional[Union[int, ReadConsistencyType]] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, shard_key_selector: Optional[Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) SearchMatrixPairsResponse [source]
Compute distance matrix for sampled points with a pair-based output format.
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection.
query_filter – Filter to apply.
limit – How many neighbors per sample to find.
sample – How many points to select and search within.
using – Name of the vectors to use for search. If None, use default vectors.
consistency – Read consistency of the search. Defines how many replicas should be queried before returning the result. Values: - int: Number of replicas to query, values should be present in all queried replicas. - ‘majority’: Query all replicas, but return values present in the majority of replicas. - ‘quorum’: Query the majority of replicas, return values present in all of them. - ‘all’: Query all replicas, and return values present in all replicas.
timeout – Overrides global timeout for this search. Unit is seconds.
shard_key_selector – This parameter allows specifying which shards should be queried. If None, query all shards. Only works for collections with the custom sharding method.
- Returns:
Distance matrix using a pair-based encoding.
- async set_payload(collection_name: str, payload: Dict[str, Any], points: Union[list[Union[int, str, points_pb2.PointId]], Filter, Filter, PointIdsList, FilterSelector, PointsSelector], key: Optional[str] = None, wait: bool = True, ordering: Optional[WriteOrdering] = None, shard_key_selector: Optional[Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) UpdateResult [source]
Modifies payload of the specified points.
Set payload:
# Assign payload value with key `"key"` to points 1, 2, 3. # If payload value with specified key already exists - it will be overwritten qdrant_client.set_payload( collection_name="test_collection", wait=True, payload={ "key": "value" }, points=[1, 2, 3] )
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection.
wait – Await for the results to be processed. - If true, the result will be returned only when all changes are applied. - If false, the result will be returned immediately after confirmation of receipt.
payload – Key-value pairs of payload to assign.
points –
List of affected points, filter, or points selector. .. rubric:: Example
points=[1, 2, 3, “cd3b53f0-11a7-449f-bc50-d06310e7ed90”]
points=Filter(must=[FieldCondition(key=’rand_number’, range=Range(gte=0.7))])
ordering (Optional[WriteOrdering]) – Define strategy for ordering of the points. Possible values: - weak (default): Write operations may be reordered, works faster. - medium: Write operations go through a dynamically selected leader, may be inconsistent for a short period of time in case of leader change. - strong: Write operations go through the permanent leader, consistent, but may be unavailable if the leader is down.
shard_key_selector – Defines the shard groups that should be used to write updates into. If multiple shard keys are provided, the update will be written to each of them. Only works for collections with the custom sharding method.
key –
Path to the nested field in the payload to modify. If not specified, modifies the root of the payload. E.g.:
PointStruct( id=42, vector=[...], payload={ "recipe": { "fruits": {"apple": "100g"} } } ) qdrant_client.set_payload( ..., payload={"cinnamon": "2g"}, key="recipe.fruits", points=[42] ) PointStruct( id=42, vector=[...], payload={ "recipe": { "fruits": { "apple": "100g", "cinnamon": "2g" } } } )
- Returns:
Operation result.
- async unlock_storage(**kwargs: Any) LocksOption [source]
Unlock storage for writing.
- async update_collection(collection_name: str, optimizers_config: Optional[Union[OptimizersConfigDiff, OptimizersConfigDiff]] = None, collection_params: Optional[Union[CollectionParamsDiff, CollectionParamsDiff]] = None, vectors_config: Optional[Union[Dict[str, VectorParamsDiff], VectorsConfigDiff]] = None, hnsw_config: Optional[Union[HnswConfigDiff, HnswConfigDiff]] = None, quantization_config: Optional[Union[ScalarQuantization, ProductQuantization, BinaryQuantization, Disabled, QuantizationConfigDiff]] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, sparse_vectors_config: Optional[Mapping[str, SparseVectorParams]] = None, strict_mode_config: Optional[StrictModeConfig] = None, **kwargs: Any) bool [source]
Update parameters of the collection
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection
optimizers_config – Override for optimizer configuration
collection_params – Override for collection parameters
vectors_config – Override for vector-specific configuration
hnsw_config – Override for HNSW index params
quantization_config – Override for quantization params
timeout – Wait for operation commit timeout in seconds. If timeout is reached - request will return with service error.
sparse_vectors_config – Override for sparse vector-specific configuration
strict_mode_config – Override for strict mode configuration
- Returns:
Operation result
- async update_collection_aliases(change_aliases_operations: Sequence[Union[CreateAliasOperation, RenameAliasOperation, DeleteAliasOperation, AliasOperations]], timeout: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any) bool [source]
Operation for performing changes of collection aliases.
Alias changes are atomic, meaning that no collection modifications can happen between alias operations.
- Parameters:
change_aliases_operations – List of operations to perform
timeout – Wait for operation commit timeout in seconds. If timeout is reached - request will return with service error.
- Returns:
Operation result
- async update_vectors(collection_name: str, points: Sequence[PointVectors], wait: bool = True, ordering: Optional[WriteOrdering] = None, shard_key_selector: Optional[Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) UpdateResult [source]
Update specified vectors in the collection. Keeps payload and unspecified vectors unchanged.
- Parameters:
collection_name (str) – Name of the collection to update vectors in
points (Point) –
List of (id, vector) pairs to update. Vector might be a list of numbers or a dict of named vectors. Examples:
PointVectors(id=1, vector=[1, 2, 3])
PointVectors(id=2, vector={‘vector_1’: [1, 2, 3], ‘vector_2’: [4, 5, 6]})
wait (bool) –
Await for the results to be processed.
If true, result will be returned only when all changes are applied
If false, result will be returned immediately after the confirmation of receiving.
ordering (Optional[WriteOrdering]) –
Define strategy for ordering of the points. Possible values:
weak (default) - write operations may be reordered, works faster
medium - write operations go through dynamically selected leader, may be inconsistent for a short period of time in case of leader change
strong - Write operations go through the permanent leader, consistent, but may be unavailable if leader is down
shard_key_selector – Defines the shard groups that should be used to write updates into. If multiple shard_keys are provided, the update will be written to each of them. Only works for collections with custom sharding method.
- Returns:
Operation Result(UpdateResult)
- upload_collection(collection_name: str, vectors: Union[Iterable[Union[List[float], List[List[float]], Dict[str, Union[List[float], SparseVector, List[List[float]], Document, Image, InferenceObject]], Document, Image, InferenceObject]], dict[str, numpy.ndarray[tuple[int, ...], numpy.dtype[Union[numpy.bool, numpy.int8, numpy.int16, numpy.int32, numpy.int64, numpy.uint8, numpy.uint16, numpy.uint32, numpy.uint64, numpy.float16, numpy.float32, numpy.float64, numpy.longdouble]]]], ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[Union[bool, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, float16, float32, float64, longdouble]]]], payload: Optional[Iterable[dict[Any, Any]]] = None, ids: Optional[Iterable[Union[int, str, PointId]]] = None, batch_size: int = 64, parallel: int = 1, method: Optional[str] = None, max_retries: int = 3, wait: bool = False, shard_key_selector: Optional[Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) None [source]
Upload vectors and payload to the collection. This method will perform automatic batching of the data. If you need to perform a single update, use upsert method. Note: use upload_records method if you want to upload multiple vectors with single payload.
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection to upload to
vectors – np.ndarray or an iterable over vectors to upload. Might be mmaped
payload – Iterable of vectors payload, Optional, Default: None
ids – Iterable of custom vectors ids, Optional, Default: None
batch_size – How many vectors upload per-request, Default: 64
parallel – Number of parallel processes of upload
method – Start method for parallel processes, Default: forkserver
max_retries – maximum number of retries in case of a failure during the upload of a batch
wait – Await for the results to be applied on the server side. If true, each update request will explicitly wait for the confirmation of completion. Might be slower. If false, each update request will return immediately after the confirmation of receiving. Default: false
shard_key_selector – Defines the shard groups that should be used to write updates into. If multiple shard_keys are provided, the update will be written to each of them. Only works for collections with custom sharding method.
- upload_points(collection_name: str, points: Iterable[PointStruct], batch_size: int = 64, parallel: int = 1, method: Optional[str] = None, max_retries: int = 3, wait: bool = False, shard_key_selector: Optional[Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) None [source]
Upload points to the collection
Similar to upload_collection method, but operates with points, rather than vector and payload individually.
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection to upload to
points – Iterator over points to upload
batch_size – How many vectors upload per-request, Default: 64
parallel – Number of parallel processes of upload
method – Start method for parallel processes, Default: forkserver
max_retries – maximum number of retries in case of a failure during the upload of a batch
wait – Await for the results to be applied on the server side. If true, each update request will explicitly wait for the confirmation of completion. Might be slower. If false, each update request will return immediately after the confirmation of receiving. Default: false
shard_key_selector – Defines the shard groups that should be used to write updates into. If multiple shard_keys are provided, the update will be written to each of them. Only works for collections with custom sharding method. This parameter overwrites shard keys written in the records.
- upload_records(collection_name: str, records: Iterable[Record], batch_size: int = 64, parallel: int = 1, method: Optional[str] = None, max_retries: int = 3, wait: bool = False, shard_key_selector: Optional[Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) None [source]
Upload records to the collection
Similar to upload_collection method, but operates with records, rather than vector and payload individually.
- Parameters:
collection_name – Name of the collection to upload to
records – Iterator over records to upload
batch_size – How many vectors upload per-request, Default: 64
parallel – Number of parallel processes of upload
method – Start method for parallel processes, Default: forkserver
max_retries – maximum number of retries in case of a failure during the upload of a batch
wait – Await for the results to be applied on the server side. If true, each update request will explicitly wait for the confirmation of completion. Might be slower. If false, each update request will return immediately after the confirmation of receiving. Default: false
shard_key_selector – Defines the shard groups that should be used to write updates into. If multiple shard_keys are provided, the update will be written to each of them. Only works for collections with custom sharding method. This parameter overwrites shard keys written in the records.
- async upsert(collection_name: str, points: Union[Batch, Sequence[Union[PointStruct, PointStruct]]], wait: bool = True, ordering: Optional[WriteOrdering] = None, shard_key_selector: Optional[Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) UpdateResult [source]
Update or insert a new point into the collection.
If point with given ID already exists - it will be overwritten.
- Parameters:
collection_name (str) – To which collection to insert
points (Point) – Batch or list of points to insert
wait (bool) –
Await for the results to be processed.
If true, result will be returned only when all changes are applied
If false, result will be returned immediately after the confirmation of receiving.
ordering (Optional[WriteOrdering]) –
Define strategy for ordering of the points. Possible values:
weak (default) - write operations may be reordered, works faster
medium - write operations go through dynamically selected leader, may be inconsistent for a short period of time in case of leader change
strong - Write operations go through the permanent leader, consistent, but may be unavailable if leader is down
shard_key_selector – Defines the shard groups that should be used to write updates into. If multiple shard_keys are provided, the update will be written to each of them. Only works for collections with custom sharding method.
- Returns:
Operation Result(UpdateResult)
- property grpc_collections: CollectionsStub
gRPC client for collections methods
- Returns:
An instance of raw gRPC client, generated from Protobuf
- property grpc_points: PointsStub
gRPC client for points methods
- Returns:
An instance of raw gRPC client, generated from Protobuf
- property http: AsyncApis[AsyncApiClient]
REST Client
- Returns:
An instance of raw REST API client, generated from OpenAPI schema
- property init_options: dict[str, Any]
__init__ Options
- Returns:
A dictionary of options the client class was instantiated with
- property rest: AsyncApis[AsyncApiClient]
REST Client
- Returns:
An instance of raw REST API client, generated from OpenAPI schema